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DigitalTA project partners intervene in the International Week of UNEATLANTICO

The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) organized an international week from May 6 to 10, which was attended by partners from the Artesis Plantijn University of Applied Sciences (AP) in Belgium and the Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach in Poland.

During the week, there was a presentation of several European educational projects, in which teachers took the floor to present the most recent advances of the DigitalTA project. 

The activity was organized by the International Relations Office (ORI) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) with the representation, in addition, of several universities from different European countries. The international week brought together representatives from Rosenheim University of Applied Science, Yncrea, Ioan Cuza University, AP Antwerpen University, Jan Kochanowski University, Istanbul Gedik Üniversitesi, Ondokuz Mayis University, Universidade do Porto, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi and Vistula University.

During their stay in Santander, the representatives of the aforementioned universities were received by Juan Luis Vidal, director of the International Relations Office of UNEATLANTICO, together with the rest of his team.  

DigitalTA is part of the first generation of Teacher Academies projects, a new European Union initiative specifically designed to support teachers and their careers by encouraging more initial and ongoing teacher cooperation.

The digital platform developed by DigitalTA is a space where teachers can share their challenges, reflections, resources and best practices with each other.  The tool will play the role of an enabler of meetings between European teachers, so that they have a real support in times of difficulties, and prevent abandonment.

Digital technologies, classroom management, communication and relationship building, diversity and inclusion, collaboration and professional development, school culture, curriculum, planning and development were the starting point for building the first two modules of the platform. “My Experience” is designed for in-service teachers to share their challenges and issues they face in the classroom. The second module, “Learning Community” encourages social interaction and collaboration among teachers from different educational levels.